Friday, November 25, 2016

A Day in Barcelona

Barcelona was the next stop after Gibraltar. Any tour has to include the famous, or infamous, Gaudi Cathedral, begun in 1882 is scheduled to finally be completed in 2026. That's 144 years. Photos don't begin to convey the scale and scope, nor the detail involved.

 Browsing in a souvenir shop near the cathedral, it took a moment before I realized that a) I could understand the words of the song playing in the store because it was in English and b) it was full of curse words that would never be played in a public place in the U.S.

I  love  strolling shopping districts. You get such a feel for the people and the place. Here's some other sights I took in.
I don't run across many condom stores. 

I was mesmerized by the fact she's wearing heels and hose on a scooter. 

Ornate detailing on a bank door


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